“The road map behind one of America’s most remarkable rags-to-riches stories. Follow it!”
One Decision Away:
Key Principles to Create What
You Want in Life and Work
by Paula Melo Doroff
One Decision Away is currently available as an Ebook. Order your copy now!
One Decision Away
What would your life look like if you didn’t settle?
Growing up, I did not have much, except a dream. Breaking free from my painful childhood in a very poor area of Brazil, I made my way to America and was able to carve out an impressive career on Wall Street; a career beyond anything anyone believed possible. Yet, somehow, after many years I found myself not feeling fulfilled.
One Decision Away is a professional and personal development road map, you’ll be inspired by the startling story of how I freed myself from the harsh conditions and shame of my past and was able to built a life based on purpose and authenticity. It was a long and difficult road but I did it. You can too.
In One Decision Away, you’ll discover:
What it takes to achieve true success.
What can sabotage your ability to feel fulfilled.
Proven principles and tools for overcoming adversity and creating the life you want.
Astonishing stories of seven people who overcame tremendous adversity and completely transformed their lives.
Strategies to increase your overall happiness and fulfillment—right now.
Through these stories and principles explored in my book, you’ll discover that true success and fulfillment is never more than One Decision Away.
Proudly published by New Degree Press.